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Can you see Jesus?

Posted in Home at 11:01 pm by guy_simmons



Gaz & Suze’s wedding

Posted in Home at 1:03 pm by guy_simmons

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!

Congratulations to you both & thanks for inviting Dom & I.  All in all an awesome day & I managed to grin non stop for the entire event 😀






Suffering today mind :(



Recipe-less spanish omelette or “He’s making it up as he goes along!”

Posted in Home at 2:36 pm by guy_simmons

Woke up this morning with hunger gnawing me to the bone, so decided to whip up a breakfasty feast. Dom recently bought a whole new chorizo sausage, just for me, so this had to feature heavily, & we had a delivery of organic veggies yesterday so I wanted to make a dent in those before they began their bottom of the cupboard transmutation into soup.

So firstly ingredients:Om1.JPG
Parboiled organic potatoes, roughly chopped organic onion, as much garlic as you (or those around you) can bear, a good few chunks of chorizo sausage, a.n. other pre-cooked sausage lying round loose in the fride, & 3 eggs (the other one’s hiding).

Start by turning on your grill, then chuck the onion & the garlic into a small omelette pan, & cook on a medium heat to soften ’em up. Then add the chorizo:Om2.JPG
What I like to do here is warm the chorizo through so that all of the lovely tasty red oil leaks out & infuses itself into the rest of the ingredients. So once everything turns red, throw in the potato & cook for as long as you fancy (you could probably keep going until it’s crispy if you like). Once the potato has cooked for a bit in the oil, chuck in the a.n. other sausage:Om4.JPG
Once that lot has warmed through it’s time to add the eggs. I like to add a tiny bit of onion & whizz them up with a hand blender, so the eggs get a good oniony taste & loads of air in them so they become almost souffley. Once you’re happy with your eggs pour them into the pan:Om7.JPGAs the egg cooks, pull the outside of the omelette in toward the centre using a spatula (not too hard or it will crumble because of the all the chunky stuff in there) & swill any uncooked egg from the centre back into the new gaps around the outside:Om8.JPG
It should feel pretty solid now (you don’t want to cook it too long or it will dry out), but you’ll still have a bit of egg on top that isn’t cooked, so quickly put the whole omelette (pan & all) under the grill to cook the top & puff it out some more:Om9.JPG
Once you’re happy that it’s cooked on top, it’s ready to eat:Om10.JPG
I added a tiny bit of basil here, one because I think it does nice things to the sausage, & two because we have a monster plant growing all over the windowsill that needs some serious pruning :)

Anyway, top breakfast & Poppy & Kal loved scoffing it too, which was a bonus 😀


Day 1 of Big Babysit

Posted in Home at 10:28 am by guy_simmons

It’s 10:25am & Musical Freddy & his Flying Fish are driving me up the wall!


Happy Birthday little man!

Posted in Home at 8:20 am by guy_simmons

Kal’s 4 today, bless him & his obsessive interest in all things “superhero” :)

Edit: Here he is on his birthday present:


Bit of an odd day

Posted in Home at 1:23 am by guy_simmons

It started with some road rage on the way to work, involving someone determined to make me drive into the back of him by constantly smacking on his brakes at 80mph in front of me on the A3, & all because he overtook a load of traffic on the hard shoulder, at similar speeds, spraying us all with grit, twigs & crap, & me then applauding him & mouthing the words “WELL DONE”.

Then once I got to work, I ended up having a total blow out with my manager.

It started with him saying OneNote’s multi user document editing feature was the future, & me responding that I was doing the same thing on the mac 4 years ago, in the jokey bantering Mac vs PC way that quite often goes on. His response, & I quote, was to ask “do we have a problem? ‘cos it feels LIKE WE HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM!!”. It escalated into us standing in the office car park, nose to nose, calling each other cunts at the top of our voices, & me telling him I wanted off the team as I didn’t want to work with such a total cock, & it finally culminated in him going on about how sorry he was & how bad he felt for having a go.

I dunno, I’m glad I stood up for myself really as I’ve heard other reports of this guy shouting the odds at people, & no way was I going to be spoken to in that way, but I’ve ended the day feeling pretty sick about the whole event. I mean do I let it slide? Or maybe tell my superiors about it, but risk making working together even more difficult? Or do I just tell him that if he abuses me again I’ll be straight onto hr? Not sure what’s for the best really. One thing I do know, is that it’s certainly soured things for me as far as working with him in the long term is concerned, & there aren’t many other opportunies within LH at the moment so it might be time to kick myself up the arse & start seriously looking for something else.


Bertrand Russell

Posted in Home at 2:57 pm by guy_simmons

Brilliant quotes from the great philosopher to be found here


Kids parties are great!

Posted in Home at 2:42 pm by guy_simmons

Especially when you can make use of the face painter in order to totally freak out the kids 😀



It’s porn Jim, but not as we know it!

Posted in Home at 11:58 am by guy_simmons

My copy of Lost Girls has arrived, it’s good so far & will probably be banned soon from a shop near you.

Read all about it here, here & here.

Ooh, & a great BBC interview with Mr Moore himself here (annoyingly it needs RealPlayer :( ).



Posted in Home at 9:47 am by guy_simmons

Sorry Gaz.

I was showing Dom iChat, & clicked on your cam icon as you were the only person online.  Then the kids thought it was great seeing themselves on the screen, so we all sat there happily waving at each other for a while.  Little did we know your Mac was ringing its nuts off in your lounge, waking you up into hangover hell!

Wish I’d taken a screen shot though 😉


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